Wednesday, Feb. 22

The state is abuzz (well, I am anyway) in anticipation of the undoubtably insightful and problem solving speach to be given today by our uber-genius governor Fudd Quinn at noon today.  take a read on the attached article in today's Trib,0,4642430.story?page=1

he is talking about making all these cuts....BUT WE WILL BE SPENDING MORE THAN LAST YEAR. 
Oh blissfully ignonant dope.  when the guy is tying your shoes this morning, ask him if he has any advice for the budget problems.
Not a word about cutting pensions...the biggest hole in the budget.  so - just imagine the budget problems when the TEMPORARY income tax expires.  Sure....temporary until it is increased to 10%. 

Illinois - what a shithole.  can anyone argue.  a shithole led by a rube...or perhaps an idiot savant.....
nah - just an idiot. 


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