Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 8

It is 5:24 pm, and there is a glimmer of daylight left.  We are on the good side of winter, I hope.  we'll probably get dumped on a time or two before spring springs. 

I had the last 3 days off work.  had to use up some days or I would not accrue any, with the weather not great, I sat at the keyboard by the same window that I did when I was unemployed in 2008/2009.  just watching the world go by....looking for something of interest on the web...I must say, the feelings of hopelessness are never too far from the surface.  I know I have a job to go to, and that is great.  But the memory of having nothing to do and going to WalMart at 10 am, or the grocery store mid afternoon comes back pretty quick.  I suppose I need to get rid of that mindset...but as my friend Rob said "unemployment is the scar that never heals".  and if you have been through it, you know what I am talking about.  if you haven't been through it, be thankful for that. 

on another note, Channel 2 is doing a story about people pulling in 6 figure pensions, and having another high paying govenrment job.  should give me something to write about tomorrow.

I tried to embed a video clip - will see if this works.

ok - now I have a new thing to bore you with.


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