Tuesday, Feb. 14

here is a story you almost never see:

the price of gas is expected to skyrocket....well, that almost never happens, does it?  there are a number of stories on the web today about rising gas prices - this is just the one I grabbed, but look at the rationale used for rising prices...what a crock.  some of them indicate a lack of refining capacity is behind this price increase...however, did you know the US is one of the leading exporters of refined gasoline?  Why are we not putting that refined gas on the market to hold down prices???  why, that would cause the oil companies record profits to suffer..


  I bet you didn't know that the US is a net exporter...bend over...the oil companies want to ass rape us again.  and what is our messiah doing to help us?  nothing.  what a colossal failure.  November can't get here soon enough.


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