Thursday, Feb. 9

I am running around a lot tomorrow, so here is tomorrow's posting today  (3rd one today..I must be bored..or lost..***)

the flap about the Chicago city sticker/gang sign mess was at first not a big deal..a disadvantaged, yet talented kid makes an artistic statement, and for some reason, his design is unfairly scrapped.

however, look at this blog
turns out the kid was a gangbanger...hmm, who would've thought, huh? 

just so you know I am always thinking of my readers, I have a link to a story about 3 really hot chicks...I think you will agree....forget Mila Kunis - give me one of these stomach-turning freaks  hotties.

now that I have mastered the technique, here is my second video, how many of you can say you had a helicopter land in your camp during a forest fire?  what made it really interesting is that the chopper carried the Swedish bikini team and we put them up for a few days...well, not really, but it IS a good story nonetheless...remind me to really bore you tell you more of this very interesting story sometime.  and the good thing is that I have a lot more material from this year's trip to bore you to tears share with you.

and, I was right, huh?  people never get tired of looking at someone's vacation pictures, do they?


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