Sunday, Feb. 26

here is the wisdom of our president regarding his total failure on all elements of his energy program...alternative sources, gas prices, etc.
now, let me call your attention to a quote from our messiah (in the article):
"You’ve got a bunch of algae out here, right? If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we’ll be doing all right."

let that sink in.  our President...this is the best he has to offer us..the 50% that pay taxes???

Priceless...kind of shows the very limited ability of his thought process.  He is really trying.  and failing miserably.  miserably.  Of course, the office of the President of the United States requires a lot more than what he brings to it..what he brings is beyond me. his records have been sealed.  who is he anyway? 

 If we can figure out how to make a leader out of a community organizer we'll be doing all right...ARE YOU SERIOUS..this is our leader.  and he says something you'd expect Beavis or Butthead to say...what a colossal failure.  I would imagine the citizens of other countries around the world look at the US and ask: "what were they thinking?" I know that occupies far too many of my thoughts...we be screwed. eacho peas...

if we can figure out how to teach monkeys to fly we can have them deliver mail and save a lot of money for the postal service.

maybe in November we can elect a president whose experience in politics goes beyond voting "present". 

we've been had..what a colossal failure this has been....the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.


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