Saturday, Feb. 18

check this out - the Chicago Teachers Union is asking for a 30% raise over 2 years.  Now, seeing how their work has resulted in so many outstanding citizens in Chicago, I think they deserve far more than 30%.  and they should get to retire far earlier.  there should be no concern that our property taxes are already these molders of our future leaders more.  the Social Treasures churned out by the chicago public shool system warrants whatever raise they think they deserve, right?  After all, their union is lead by a hippo-like woman who is an admitted drug addict, and has been video taped insulting people with speach impediments, and recommend those with speach impediments be beaten....oh wait - the press did not take that angle, did they....I wonder why???
What are these people thinking?  I say the taxpayers should propose a 60% cut in teachers pay as a starting point. 

this link from today's Trib:,0,6175436.story

look at what we, the taxpaying public, are paying to fund the re-election campaign of our colossal failure-in-chief.  so, for all our money, we are to get 4 more years of social justice?  4 more years of rising unemployment?  4 more years of removing the rights of the citizen, and increasing the rights of illegals? 

no thanks.  eat your peas obama.  we cannot afford to fund any more of your ineptitude. 

November cannot get here soon enough.


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