Monday, Feb. 6

Well, the super bowl turned out to be a very good game.  hard to believe the football season that started in early September is over...already.  soon the 9 month Nascar season will begin...PGA season...the seasons do fly by, don't they?

Interesting link here...rather than actually reform the pension system, Gov Fudd is proposing to move the commitment for the pension costs to the local school district...of course, the local school districts are crying poor...I guess it is ok to award these high, unsustainable long as someone else is paying the tab.  Of couse, the whole situation starts with the sorry shape of the entire state, and now the cuts that businesses have to make are being made by government.  and it is a long way from over.

AUTHOR'S NOTE - an alert reader (Kevin Meade - mornin sunshine....) noticed the ironic wording on the link.  funny, unintentionally so, but funny. 


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