Monday, Feb. 27

Feb is almost history....time sure does fly.
The Daytona 500 was rained out yesterday...and if your weekend plans include watching cars make left turns, you need better weekend plans...but, soon golf season will give me a reason to be outside...and not sitting on the couch watching cars drive in circles.

Let there be no more stark example of the divisive, polarizing effect that our colossal failure has on the population than this:

are we to assume that he is calling to actions African Americans only because he is an African Amercan, and African Americans should blindly vote for anyone who is African American if the alternative is a European American white candidate?  he might as well set up a "no federal tax payers for obama" while he is at it.  what has he done that would encourage the person that pays taxes to vote for him?  the people that pay taxes cannot afford another term.

speaking of which, I was in WalMart yesterday.  the cheap, walmart brand pop went up 10 cents per 2 liter bottle.....that is a 12.8% increase....a bottle of powerade had a similar increase...from the last visit to walmart...the effect of the irresponsible printing of money will become more and more of an issue as inflation rockets upward...

we can't afford 4 more years of this, can we?


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