Friday, Feb. 3, 2012

tgif...long week.  beyond the occasional funny commercial, and the pool squares I bought, I don't have much interest in the super bowl this weekend.  such an overdone non-event.  it is a football game, albeit an excuse to have a party on a Sunday. 

I am at a loss for a concept to write about today.  I suppose when my primary focus is writing about the bad and absurd, and when confronted with so much bad and absurd stories, none of them seem any more significant than the other.  or perhaps I am still in a rut.  who knows. 

but the beauty of things is that someone somewhere will do or say something very stupid today.  and I will be back in business. 

I was looking at the stats on the readers of this blog...are there really readers in russia, india, latvia, etc?  or maybe that is just some random hit????  I like to think my wisdom is globally accepted - perhaps I would be seen as a visionary in some other country and would be showered with adoration and riches.  or maybe not.

what a lousy post today, huh? 

now on to the early morning boat ride to a new spot to fish today......


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