Friday, Feb 24, 2012

I guess winter is not quite over yet.  got dumped you know.  but, the Daytona 500 is Sunday...a sure sign that spring is close. 

get a load of this crap:
Michelle Obama saying that everyone should share the wealth...fresh off a ski weekend that cost the taxpayers millions...and we should share the wealth...with who - the 49.5% of the pantloads that pay no federal tax?  we are in free fall.  the policies enacted by the president have started the snowball of inflation...gas going up 25 cents per gallon per day.....and the response of our messiah?

we're in a world of hurt...we needed a leader and we got a shyster.  the emperor is wearing no clothes...we've been had.

but, enjoy the race on Sunday.  and eacho peas, you commoners. 


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