Friday, Feb. 10

this turned out to be a less than stellar week to have off work.  but, it is good to be off, and good to have a job to go back to...and good that I have 2 more days off before I do go back to work. 

I meant to write the other day about the change in funding approach that Obama made....he campaigned in 2008 on not accepting money from, of course, he changes his tune and will accept money from PACs.  just another example of the duplicity of this guy.  Obamacare?  no thanks...the economy???  hardly.  who in their right mind would donate money so we get 4 more years of this?  well, maybe Warren Buffet would...

gee - Obama is sure tough on those bankers, huh?

what a joke.  the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks...


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