Thursday, Dec 15

I saw the link below too late to post yesterday:,0,1794529.story

the prepaid college tuition program is showing a huge underfunding balance (sound familiar?).  What is it about Illinois that has every fund targeted as an opportunity to pillage by those able to get their hands on the money.  Of course, the article mentions poor performance by the investments, but can there be any doubt that multiple hogs have fed at this trough, as they have with every other fund in this state?  When does the audit of this program begin?  When do the trials start?  when do crooks go to jail - after all, Blago is going to what about the other 500 crooked politicians in this state?  to send one guy to jail when hundreds are equally as guilty is an insult to us all.

Note to Illinois decision makers....they have these people called auditors and use them to help avoid problems like these.  Or do you not want to know what is causing these huge underfunding problems?  heyyy....

Illinois...what a shithole. We can't do anything right.


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