Friday, Dec. 2

Did you see the news story about the confusion the buying public has regarding the holiday Coke cans?  Seems that people are confused and think that the white can is Diet Coke, which is in a gray can.  Hey you effin geniuses - the Diet Coke says "Diet" on the can, and the one that is not Diet, does not have Diet written on the can.  Another indicator of how stupid Americans have become.   Now we just need the inevitable lawsuit to complete this issue.

Here is a story that we should all appreciate - a woman who has 15 illegitimate kids saying the system has failed her.
The only failure here was her failure to keep her legs not spread for any dude that came a calling.  Watch the ACLU get involved.  How much will this brood cost us to maintain until they reach breeding age?

And, though the city of Chicago is broke, it still has enough money to finance a restaurant for Daley's friends and family:
at the bottom of the story you see that this group is now selling their interest in the place.  Why is Daley not on trial, and Blago is awaiting sentencing?  or for that matter, why is every Illinois pol not being indicted?  No shortage of crimes being committed in the shithole called Illinois.

and looks like Sears and Catepillar are on the way out of the state.   Nice job Fudd. we will be screwed when that temporary income tax increase expires.


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