Friday, Dec. 16

A week before Christmas - time is flying.  2011 is flying by. 

Yet another example of the genius of our federal government is the link below.

our inept fed govt refuses to protect our border, and the person in Arizona responsible for keeping order is being taken to task for his handling of illegals.  geniusness.  if his handling of illegals is deemed a violation of civil rights, is it not a violation of American's civil rights to let a mob of illegals in the country to rob, rape and consume resources that the legal taxpayers are footing the bill for? 

our idiot attorney general runs a project to give thousands of weapons to mexican drug lords, which are then used to kill American agents....and he is not brought up on charges. 

clearly, if you are a legal American, you are already violating the civil rights of illegals, so just stop it.

oh, and Michelle Obama leaves for Hawaii...and we are footing the bill.  hope she is eating her peas on the flight costing us taxpayers over $100,000

I have never been less proud of my country.  even less than the last time I wrote that line.


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