Wednesday, Nov. 16

Here's an article that shares my rosy outlook on and enjoy.

I especially like the comment about the percentage of people with no retirement savings.  I had a lot saved for retirement...then the market tanked and continued to tank.  what I have now will pay for maybe a year of retirement.  but, of course, the property tax on my house when I retire will probably be more than what is left in my 401k.  I am not too big to fail, so no one bailed me out.  while the bankers got bonuses for doing nothing, or breaking the law, I saw my hard earned money vaporize....hey, I have an idea...let's make the amount of social security we will collect the same as the government pensions...and let us retire at 52...great idea, huh?  the American Dream...available only to illegals and pensioneers.

There are so few stories these days that provide any glimmer of hope for the global depression.  if we aren't in one now, we will be soon. 

so, drink up now - before the tax on booze makes it too expensive to get drunk. 


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