Tuesday, Nov 1

October flew by in a heartbeat...I hope January and February go by equally as fast.

The news is full of stories about Herman Cain and the sexual harassment case that he did/didn't have...and the dredging up of the settlement details.  And we have seen stories of Rick Perry and illegals...and all skeletons in the closets of all candidates...except Obama.  His records are sealed and stay sealed.  and the media just lets it go.  Obama must be supported by the highest levels of something.  for him to get a pass on all he does while the records of others are expected to be out there for all to see.  Obama is president because the Tribune sued to unseal the records of Jack Ryan, a senatorial candidate. which led to him dropping out of the race, paving the way for the eventual failure to win the senate seat and begin campaigning for president immediately.  no records of his college courses, no feedback on why his social security number does not pass the government's own screen. 

Check out this story...someone who pillaged a bank was linked to a loan to Tony Rezko's wife, who bought a parcel of land connected to Obamas property...but no mention of that land being given to Obama...the emperor is wearing no clothes....we've been had, folks.

one last thought...why is it that all these Hollywood types have to dress up in garish costumes for halloween?  leave it for the kids.  I saw a pic of monumental hosebag, Kim Kardashian, dressed up as some character called Poison Ivy (?).....it would have been more appropriate for her to dress up as a character called Chlymydia....would have not been too much of a stretch, I think.

or is it just me?



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