Thursday, Nov. 17

so much to write about, so little time...actually, so little attention span..but I digress.

by now you have seen the video of the hippo-like Karen Lewis speaking at a SOCIAL JUSTICE workshop in Seattle, and making completely inappropriate remarks about Arne Duncan, and about being a drug addict in college

reading this story begs the question that I am sure comes to everyone's mind:

How big of a crate did they need to ship that hippopotamous to Seattle, and did they have to keep it wet the entire flight??? 

(and you thought I would ask who paid to ship that pantload to a worthless conference, didn't you?)

Also, I saw the news that the TSA was going to have new, more efficient passenger scanning procedures to make travel smoother over the thanksgiving holiday...that is, of course, assuming you are not white.  If you are white, you should expect the same condescending, unprofessional treatment from the TSA layabouts.

Who you be? What you got??


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