Friday, Nov. 4

check out this garbage...the French PM asking Obama for help with the debt crises..  what unmitigated gall.  where were the european countries when we needed help....our ghost moose is about to pick up yet another parasite.  the world is effed when obama is asked for help in a debt crisis...unless France wants to make it a really big crisis.  Like asking a drowning man to swim over so you can hand him an anvil.
asking Obama about how to fix a debt problem is like asking:
- Kim Kardashian for marriage tips (it bothers me to write that hosebag's name)
- Rosie O'Donnell how not to look like a bull dyke
- Carrot Top how not to look like a red headed steroid freak
- Gov. Fudd Quinn how to govern a state.
if European countries are asking us for help...prepare for the global depression.  I hope the global depression does not affect the pensions of all the Illinois parasites.  perhaps we can ask Frace to pay those unearned windfalls.

author's note:  the other day I said Kim Kardashian should have dressed up as Chlymydia.  I should have spelled it Klymydia, given their unnatural fascination for the letter K.  the error is regretted.


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