Friday, Nov. 18

finally friday.  and will tee it up for the final round of the year this weekend.  another golf season for the books. 

another story about the pension mess in Illinois.,0,7612663.story

who are we paying to calculate our exposure to this insane spending, and how could they have been off by over 100%?  and yet, nothing being done to reduce this expense.  story upon story about pension abuse, crime, entitlement, and yet nothing is done.  sure - anyone starting their teaching career today will be limited in what they can gorge at the public trough, but what of those hogs currenty pulling in many times what they paid into the plan?  I love how the proponents of pensions say that Illinois did not pay what they should have paid into the plan...well, Illinois is not a person - what Illinois paid, or was supposed to pay, comes from the pockets of taxpayers.  Us.  the temporary 66% income tax increase is not enough to cover the miscalculation on the current mess.

Illinois...what a shithole.

who you be...what you got...


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