Tuesday, September 13

Hey, wasn't there some significant event about 10 years ago???  hmm...can't quite place it.

what beautiful fall weather we are having.  correction...late summer weather.  soon the halloween decorations will be up, leaves falling, all that. 

in the continuing rant I have on pensions, read the following from today's Trib:


what really gets me is that the repubs debate are talking as though social security is not an entitlement, and no one should count on getting it.  this, of course, after I have paid in over $100k in my career so far, and if I was a teacher, could retire on $80 grand a year at my current age.  but, we are to assume that since the federal government pissed away the entire social security fund, we should all just agree that it was never there.  this while the pension hogs fatten themselves at the public trough that we will never get to eat at. 

shit's gotta change. 

oh, and former mayor daley had his security detail cut down to 3 full time cops...how about cutting it to no one.  that criminal is rich enough from his dealings to afford to protect himself. 

shit's gotta change.  but it won't. 


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