Tuesday, Sept. 6

Back to work after a 3 day weekend.  The news is now dominated by stories of Obama's decreasing popularity levels.  Story after story about the sorry state of everything.  Ambitious rallies with obama ranting about what the Republicans have to do, and haven't been doing, that once done, will lead to improvement with unemployment, economy, etc.

so - my analogy of the day is:
Back in the days of the Chicago Bulls dynasty, they had Michael Jordan and a good supporting cast. This powerhouse team plowed through the competition in a way never seen before.  The general manager, Jerry Krause, refused to give Jordan the credit he deserved.  Once the team was broken up after 6 championships in 9 years, and the stars traded or retired, Jerry Krause was determined to rebuild the Bulls to their former greatness....except that he was unable to.  He would promise the fans that they would have to suffer through another losing season, then Jerry would have the high draft picks and salary cap money that would bring him the players he needed for the Bulls to be great again.  Except that he could not deliver on his empty promises, and the Bulls of that era were among the worst teams in NBA history.  Truly an embarrassment - a once proud franchise reduced to a bottom feeder.

Gee - a big talker that tries to distract us from how bad things are with visions of future greatness....sound familiar folks?

the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.


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