Thursday, September 8

The series finale of Rescue Me was on last night.  As with most finales of series that one follows, this was a let down.  I guess that frees up an hour a week for me that I should not be in front of the tv.  But with football starting, I will probably spend more time in front of the tv...isn't that was we work so hard to have the spare time to do??? 

I think it was 3 years today that I was let go from my previous employer, which was the cathartic event that led me to begin writing this blog.  Three years....I certainly don't miss working there, and have no fond memories of that point in my career in the least.  so, it was not a bad thing to leave that dump, it was the period of down time that followed that I find resentful.  Of course, I am working, and I know there are millions of Americans that are not but wish they were, so I am fortunate.  Anyone who has a job should consider themselves fortunate (should it be themself or themselves?). But fear not - our president will be presenting his job plan tonight.  First he had his laser focus on jobs, then his can only wonder what super duper ideas he will implement to really change and improve our shitty lot....

hope and change...sure.  the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.


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