Thursday, September 15

The month of September is half over....time does fly...unless it is mid-January.
How long has it been since we have seen a story about the economy that was not bad news?  Everything you read these days has a negative slant.  the link below is a story about the number of homes in Chicago where the amount owed is more than the homes value.,il

I challenge anyone to find a story that shows a glimmer of hope for an improvement in the economy, in unemployment, for America in general.  You almost have to adopt the mindset that "things can't get any worse, can they?".  but they always seem to keep getting worse.  We have, for all intents, a lame duck president.  nothing is going to get done in this administration.  so, those who are in dire situations will just have to wait....those pulling in the unsustainable pensions will get their 3% increases while those who have nothing will have less. 

again, where is the good news?  when will we get some good news? is there no one that can implement policies that will result in good news? 
or are we swirling just a little lower in the toilet today? 

oh - and Survivor sucked last night.  looks like another lame season.


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