Saturday, Sept. 17

What a beautuful day.  Sunny, kind of cool out.  Feels like fall. 

here are 2 links to Trib stories, both about Metra, the public rail utility.  The previous head of Metra stole millions with full knowledge of the Metra board, and once the heat was on, he took the cowards way out and killed himself.  Then the story came out that he was supporting multiple households, After his death, he wife gets to keep his obscenely large pension and there has never been a story about the stolen money recovered.  So - we have a utility supported by gas tax, money being stolen, not accountability, no board oversight. 

The first story from yesterday's Trib is about Metra's hiring of a $275 per hour consultant.  Yes - when you are running a piss poor operation, and you have just been caught with your hand in the cookie jar, hire a consultant.  Read the garbage in the story.  From what I can tell, all this guy has done was to turn in a conductor who was reading a newspaper on the train rather than tanking tickets..and we are only paying this stooge $275 per hour.  I love his line that by working unbilled OT he cost himself $58,000.  Well listen douchebag, why don't you get some other gig paying you $275 and hour.,0,7517130.story

So....the second story is from todays Trib.  Metra is now going to jack up the fare by $30.  Maybe the $275 per hour consultant thought this up...we should give him a raise.,0,1692692.story

Raise the gas tax, raise the income tax, raise the tolls, raise the train fare...only in this shithole called Illinois. 

but, when Gov. Fudd gets back from China, he will have this all fixed. 

and today we swirl just a little lower in the toilet.

btw - I am watching tv with the windows open...what a beautiful day to do so.

oh, and Illinois - what a shithole.  oh wait..I said that already.


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