I am only posting this link for the picture of Gov. Fudd Quinn - look at how Fudd-like he is.  Priceless.


Then, there are these 2 gems in today's Trib.  In the first, the african american aldermen are defending a remap of chicago voting districts that will give an advantage to african americans.  The second link is to a story about latino aldermen wanting more city council seats for latinos.  Where are the stories about European Americans (well, you can call us whites - we are not conditioned to be insulted by commonly used words).  Give the latinos their seats...give the african americans their voting districts.  Chicago is a shit hole of really epic proportions.  these changes can only speed the descent into the lower regions of the cesspool.  seems like there is something for everyone - as long as you are not white.



I saw a story in todays Trib (could not find a link) that  Obama is out to re-energize the young voters who helped him get elected in 2008.  Now, who is their right mind would want 4 more years of this failure?  do you know anyone that is better off under this president?  is there not a community somewhere that he can organize?  put him in a job where the cost of his certain failure is limited.

and with that, I will now go outside and breathe the smoke from a canadian forest fire. 

oh - and a new season of survivor starts tonight.  kind of a stale concept, but not much else on.


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