Friday, September 23

here is a real news story:
Billionaire George Soros said we are already in a double dip recession.  What a crock of bs - we never got out of the last recession, and things have only gotten worse under Obama.  In a manner similar Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize before he had done anything of consequence (not that he has done anything at all since taking office) the fawning media was quick to give the messiah credit for ending the recession that was Bush' fault.  And since things have gotten much worse under Obama, the battle cry continues to be to blame Bush....
we now have the questionable Solyndra situation...we give them $535 million which they burn through, then declare bankruptsy.  But, similar to the pension issue I write of often, there were some in Solyndra that pocketed a lot of money before it went belly up.  That needs to be investigated.  but won't be. 

the market continues to have big losses each day.  we are losing our 401k little by little..but the Illinois pension hogs will get their annual increase.  the Cook county property tax bills will be coming out this week...and even though the value of houses in this shithole we call Illinois have plummeted in value, our property tax bills will be going up.  those pension hogs gotta eat.

on the bright side, Michelle Obama has $42,000 diamond cuffs.
I wonder if those cuffs interfere with her eating her peas?


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