Wednesday, August 17

SSDD.....I am pretty much recovered from my busy day Monday, and back to normal from a work standpoint.  Late summer weather is beautiful, but the days are shortening noticibly.  My fishing trip is but a distant memory.  ahh life....
The economy is still in the crapper...but Obama said he had things under control until we had bad luck on a few key things.  so, clearly, we need to elect a president that is luckier that this one if we are to pull ourselves out of the hole we are in.  In all seriousness, I don't believe anyone that was elected would have been able to turn things around, given the sorry state of what they inherited.  However, Obama made so many grand promises, and delivered those promises to voters who were desperate to hear someone make those promises....but, in the end, Obama's ability to convincingly make promises far exceeded his ability to fix problems.  I suppose that is the MO for pretty much every person that is elected. 

like with most elements of life in America these days, we need to set our expectations pretty low - and then we probably won't be disappointed.  or at least surprised when our low expectations are not met.


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