Wednesday, August 10

It sure does not take long for the mental serenity and calm of a wilderness vacation to get crapped all over by the tidal wave of the b.s. that makes you want to go there in the first place.  I sit at my desk in front of a keyboard and 2 monitors.  I have 2 cell phones.  Never too far out of touch, self-important guy that I am.  Like most douchebags, I have my cell when I play golf....just in case there is some problem so complex that only I can solve it....ha ha.  The beauty of the wilderness is all of those devices are just dead weight. They do you no good in the wild.  Waterproof matches, birch bark, bug spray - those are what is critical to your day.  But that was last week.  My life is now more technical and my actions dictated by those who pay me to be here.  such is life.  but when I win the lottery, I will move north for an extended period, and outfit the camp with a satellite hookup so as to not deny anyone these pearls of wisdom.

Hey - big news...the price of a barrel of oil is down to $82 bucks...what's that you say??? that you are expecting a comparable drop in the price of gas?????  silly, or watch the news stories justifying why the drop in the price of oil takes awhile to make it to the pump...but, what about the 20 cent increase the day I was shopping for gas 2 weeks ago????  well, remember - it will take more ass rapin' of us by the oil companies to achieve their next record quarterly income.  so bend over and smile.

I heard our jug eared failure of a president say that Americans prefer tax increases to fix the deficit problem.  sure - do you think the increased taxes will be levied on anyone other than the middle class....ass rapin'. 

oh, and Michelle Obama is in Washington state visiting her brother...flying on our dime, and traveling in an 11 car motorcade....she be eatin her peas though.

have a good one.  beautiful weather, huh?


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