Wednesday, Aug 31

Where did August go?  I was in Canada fishing on the first day of the month...seems like a long time ago, but again, the month flew by in a heartbeat.  My son's second football game is this Friday.  That season will fly by as well. 

there was a story on the news that a proposal to raise electric rates was being sent to Gov. Elmer Fudd Quinn for approval.  The electric companies are strongarming us - saying that the grid is outdated and the increase in rates is necessary to prevent future outages.  Let's sit back and take a look:
- the state income tax on individuals was raised 66%
- the state income tax on corporations was raised by more than 66%, causing a stampede of companies leaving the state.
- tolls are being raised by 87%

so - what do you think our incompetant governor will do??? why, approve the rate increase, of course.  In these economic times, everyone has so much extra money, we won't feel the pinch at all, will we.

oh, and Gov. Fudd Quinn, how are you coming on reducing that $100 billion pension hole we are in?  Is my share now more than the $5500 it was a month ago?

Illinois...what a poorly run shithole.


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