Thursday, August 25

What a beautiful day out there.  Not enough days like this left...

so, our state leaders, in their infinite wisdom, decide that doubling the cost of tolls is the appropriate thing to do in this economy.  According to Gov. Elmer Fudd Quinn, raising the price of tolls will allow massive tollway projects and create jobs.  and, oh - he says the public is in favor of doubling the cost of tolls.

so, if his intent is to create jobs, why did this pantload raise the corporate income tax to the point where companies are fleeing the state in alarming numbers?  the tollway is known for its mismanagment and questionable operations.  giving them billions more to throw around must be a good idea, right?  I have an idea - why not make every highway in Illinois a tollway?  why charge only the chicago area drivers to drive on highways?  let's rip off all Illinois citizens. 

also - I heard this morning the price of gas in the area had jumped 20 cents per gallon overnight due to a leak at the refinery in Lansing.  so - a leak in a pipe results in an immediate jump of 20 cents per gallon, but a 20 dollar price drop on a barrel of oil has yet to show up at the pump even though the price has been dropped for 6 weeks now.  those oil companies are ass rapin us right into another record profit quarter. 

Illinois - what a shit hole. we are all saps for living in this dump. 


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