Sunday, August 7

I'm back.  Me and two friends went to Canada fishing.  We left at 3:30 am on Friday, July 29, drove 800 miles, got in a plane and flew into the wilderness to stay at a remote outpost.  One cabin on a huge lake.  Plenty of fish, wildlife - the whole experience....but....I will write more of that this week.  For now:

one of the really nice technical innovations of recent history has been the satellite radio.  We bring one, and can listen to the Sox games, CNN, etc.  Stay in touch with the world.  So, we were able to hear all the news around the deficit debate, and of course the inability of our failure in chief to do anything about it.  Of course, the heartwarming story of Gabrielle much did it cost to fly her there, and did she really know what she was even doing there?  A tragic thing that befell her, no doubt, but what was the purpose of that silly spectacle?

Anyway, I had a lot to write about once I was back in front of a computer, which I am now.  Early on Sunday.  Take a look at the link to the attached story that I saw on the ride home - on my droid phone..another cool innovation:

The story describes, yet again, more organized attacks on whites by wild urban blacks.  Wisconson folks at the State Fair...just out to enjoy the beer, cream puffs, funnel cakes...and yet they are wantonly attacked by raging black youth.  And, of course, the authorities are falling all over themselves to not see the racial angle here.  Let's see....we had "beat whitey" night at the Iowa state fair last year, we had the ramaging blacks at the Wisconson fireworks earlier this summer, we had the attacks in Chicago on Memorial day - leading to the beaches being closed due to heat (sure).  Besides Drudge Report, were these stories reported anywhere?  No.  Do a search on "Wichata Massacre" and you have to wonder why this horrible story did not make national press when it occured a few years back.  As alarming as these racial attacks are, the fact that they go unreported is even more troublesome. 

I saw a story a few weeks back that said the department of homeland security thought the groups most capable of terrorist acts were "white christian extreme groups".  How are these attacks not considered acts of terrorism?  Are these attacks not be definition the very essence of terrorism?  I guess we might risk offending someone if these crimes were reported as such.

At what point do we say enough is enough?  At what point do we stop rewarding breeders from producing more parasites?  At what point do we expect human beings to act like human beings?  At what point do we expect Attorny General, Eric Holder (appointed by the jug eared failure) to take action?
Probably never. Because, of course, the victims are white.  They are all guilty of being beaten while white.  I certainly do not claim that an entire race of folks fall into this category - rather, our welfare system has allowed an entire sub-class of these subhumans to develop.  And there is no chance - absolutely no chance that this will ever change...Not when our failure in chief has his 'wealth re-distribution" strategy. 

This country has become an effin shithole.  To paraphrase Michelle Obama:  "I have never been less proud of my country than I am now"

As I sit here, I think of what life would be living in a remote cabin, providing for myself.  A idyllic thought, no doubt.  But not realistic.  I guess I need to figure out how to live in a country full of shitbags like those described in the story, and how we have a colossal failure that is supposed to be leading the country, but is not cabable of doing so.

The emperor is wearing no clothes, folks. 

and with that, back to the real world for me.  Good to be back.


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