Wednesday, July 20

July marches on.  and the heat is really here.  High 90s....but, it is summer, so the fact that the hot weather is the lead story on all the news means there is no news.  other than it being summer and hot weather. 

The Trib had an editorial on Tuesday regarding the severance packages for outgoing superintendents.  Well written - but it is just the opinion of a newspaper.  We can't mistake this for any actual action taken on the matter.,0,4469222.story

again - this all begs the question:  When do we say enough is enough?  Or property tax bills are already unaffordable, due largely to corruption like this.  When do we commoners, those not getting fat from the public dole, stop enabling this behavior?

Speaking of which, did you see the tollway authority has a one billion dollar gap between its project list and its assets?  so, obviously, they will scale back their project list, you say?  of course not - they will be raising tolls to cover this list.  and what do we have to say in the matter?  nothing...keep moving, sheep...nothing to see here....

when is enough enough????  or do we just hold out our arm, point to a vein and let them draw our last drop of blood?


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