Tuesday, July 19

Here is a link to a very good sequence of stories about how we all got screwed by the big bank bailout, among other things.  The entitled attitude of those in the stories is galling.  In some cases, we gave them billions OF OUR MONEY to keep them in business so they could foreclose on our homes.  And the money that we stole from our grandchildren was handed to them as bonuses to reward themselves for failing, getting a handout, and not going to jail.  if you aren't infuriated by the end of the article, something is wrong with you.  make sure to read all 10 vignettes.  Out of touch douchebags, all of them.  it's as though they are all working hard to emulate Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life.... read and enjoy - it will be worth your time.

here's another article you may find interesting about the bank's roles in the foreclosure mess.  The banks have been empowered to screw the homeowners at every opportunity to take over the home at a discount - since we, the taxpayer will cover their losses.  incredible - and our empty suit president engineered these deals. 


also, have you noticed the price of gas went up 20 cents?  makes perfect sense given the price of a barrel of oil has decreased steadily, huh?   what a crock. 

hope and change....what a laugh.  the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.


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