Tuesday, July 12

closing in on the midpoint of July.  We had some damage from the storm yesterday and are waiting for the insurance adjuster to come assess.  We still have power, so that's a good thing.

the meetings on the budget deficit are a real joke.  the Obama administration shows what a colossal failure it is on a daily basis.  Obama is quick with some trite saying to show us how clever he is: "time to take the pain" and "time to eat our peas"...wtf...why didn't he say that before he irresponsibly printed and spent money we didn't have?  He ruined the economy, and is now reading from the teleprompter what we all have to do to reverse his idiotic course of action.  note to self....if another community organizer runs for any office, he or she is ill equipped to make any educated decision....unless that decision involves some element of community organization.  I would think the currrent economic crisis will not reduce the number of very expensive exotic vacations the first family takes, however....taking pain is something not for them.

and today, we swirl just a little lower in the toilet.  2012 cannot get here soon enough.  look at it this way - no matter who runs, we can do no worse than this failure.


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