Thursday, July 7

At least I think it is Thursday.  Started yesterday with a 3 am wakeup for a 6 am flight to San Francisco.  I hate that flight to the west coast...of course I got stuck in the middle seat.  all 245 lbs of me.  I never can adjust to the time change, so I got up today (Thursday, I think) at my usual  5 am, but it is really 3 am out here.  San Fran and Oakland are much different than the midwest.  Nice places though, and the business I came out to do is going well.  The whole travel thing is such a mess. I got to the security line yesterday at 5 am - when I had never seen a line before in my travels, only to be in a line 100 yds long.  I made it to my flight on time, but it was closer than I thought it would be when the cab picked me up at 4:30.  Now we see stories that the terrorists are surgically implanting bombs in bodies, so we need a new way to scan for those. so, be prepared for a new round of indignities, folks.  where does it end?  how many new fees will travelers pay to develop scanning/search technologies that keep us 2 steps behind the terrorists...if there are terrorists.  I sometimes think (and I know I am not alone) that we are like the movie (The Village - did anyone else see that bomb?) and the govt is like William Hurt dressing up in the monster costume to keep the villagers in their place so they did not leave the village and expose it for the fraud that it was. 
who knows...I know I am not really looking forward to 4 more hours of sitting in a cramped seat.  but I have a lot to do before I get to that point.
4:42 am in San Fran...I wonder what time this city wakes up. When it gets light, I will venture outside and see if the populace is what is was when I was last outside.


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