Monday, July 18

That was a warm weekend.  and more heat to follow all week.  Bring it on - for as much as I hate winter, it can't be too hot for me.  and this time of year goes by too fast, while the cold and snow linger endlessly.

here is a link to a story that underscores everything I rant about regarding governmemt arrogance:,0,3794699.story

the story details how school superintendents walk away with huge severance packages - even when they resign on their own.  and who funds those ridiculous severance packages?  why, we do, of course.  so when your property tax bill comes, take a look and remember the louts that your hard earned dollars are going to. 
No matter what the story, it is obvious that all elements of government - local, city, state, federal, are so riddled with corruption and waste.  I have posted links in the past about how political appointments are seen as a ticket on the gravy train.  Big salaries for attending a few meetings, and of course, a pension and paid health care is provided.  These hogs consider their political job as a front row seat to gorge at the public feed trough.  and, of course, we who pay the bills have no say in the matter.

Happy Monday.


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