Monday, July 11

Back to work after a 3 day weekend.  Nice and hot.  Summer weather, although the storm this morning was a bit much.

since my last posting, I have flown back from CA, and also wasted a few hours at the Secretary of State, getting my son his driving permit.  Both situations show just how poorly we are treated.   I flew to CA on United, and returned on Continental.  United and Continental merged a few months ago, but try to get some help on switching a flight from one to the other.  Those mopes could not be less interested in helping a paying customer.  Each one of them offering the same "the merger isn't complete, so I can't help you" excuse.  There was a story yesterday about a guy that had logged 10 million miles on United.  Get a life, dude. 
There was a story yesterday about a family traveling with a 6 year old - and the young boy was patted down twice before being allowed to board the flight...his crime?  flying while white.

As for the DMV- what a collection of seat warmers biding time to collect that pension.  Our tax dollars go to support that mess, too.

I could go on, of course, but I would not be telling you anything you haven't experienced, I'm sure.


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