Tuesday, May 31

The last day of May....that month really flew by.  Way too much rain, and too cold.  Hopefully June will be better. 
Back to work.  The fitness boot camp is still quite challenging.  We did a run that should not have been too taxing, and I am still struggling.  I used to be able to run 15 miles, now a mile is still out of my range.  No better way to get better at running than to run.  I guess one of these days I will have to start.  But, seeing a little progress.  Just getting up at 5 am to workout at 6 is progress I guess.
Here's a link to an interesting story about the role Goldman Sachs played in the financial meltdown.  and still no one went to jail...and I (like many) lost over 30% of my retirement.  I continue to be fascinated by this subject only because we middle class get the shakedown from the govt for every last tax dollar, while these pantloads get billions of our tax dollars to hand out as bonuses for their thievery. 


so, get to work.


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