Sunday, May 15

at the halfway point in May - and it is still 45 degrees and rainy this morning.  enough already.  I had no plans to golf today, but if I did, it would be a miserable round.  Hopefully the hot weather will be here to stay - one of these days soon.
Two stories caught my eye today.  The first was our clueless Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, saying the debt ceiling would have to be raised, otherwise we would be moving into a double dip recession.  Rather than say his actions on the economy have been colossal failures so far, he is expecting the taxpaying public to accept raising the debt ceiling, a move that Obama as a senator said was a failure  of the government to run itself, to avoid further pain to the middle class...and would a double dip recession presume that we have made it out of the last recession?  this shows how out of touch these people are.  We have been in a depression, and continue to be in one.  the hope and change we were promised by Obama has been so much hot air.  Do you know anyone doing better than they were in 2008?  I don't.

the second story was about the opening of the floodgates in Louisiana which would flood many thousands of square miles of cities and towns in the way of the mississippe river...and the  justification is that oil prices would go up if they didn't open the floodgates.  Are we to believe that the oil refineries are more important than those whose homes will be damaged or destroyed by the flooding that is to follow?  If so, should we not expand our refining capacity before we start drilling for more oil domestically?  makes you realize that one again, we are being jerked around by seat of the pants explanations for actions such as raising the debt ceiling, or flooding inhabited areas. 

a dark mood for a dark Sunday.


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