Saturday, May 7

We played golf this morning - played better than 2 weeks ago, but still not very good.  it is no nice to be out walking the course at 6:30 in the morning - birds chirping, nice and cool, not too many players that time of day.  of course, I am ready to take a nap now.  getting up at 5 am has an impact on me.  I don't have the go power I once did....
was talking to my friend about why Arthur Andersen was essentially shut down by the government after their Enron issues, but when Goldman Sachs created toxic investments, sold them to their investors then bet their value would plummet (which it did) and profited handsomely, we gave them our tax dollars to hand out as bonuses.  How does that make sense?  I worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers during the Andersen/Enron issue, and that also affected the practice I worked for.  But in the case of Goldman, no one went to jail, they paid a small fine (with money from the taxpayers) and still to this day are ripping off those who pay them to manage money. 
It was nice to see Obama celebrate Cinco de Mayo on Thursday - but chose not to mention the Easter holiday a few weeks back.  curious. but  indicative of the colossal failure we were tricked into electing.


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