Friday, May 27

Week one of the fitness boot camp is done.  and I made it.  If I keep it up, there can be no other outcome than  much better fitness.  I would liken it to what I have heard about those who explore the grand canyon.  If you walk down the steep trail to the bottom of the canyon, it is rather strenuous.  Many who walk down cannot make the return trip back to the top of the rim of the canyon, and the park service has to send a mule down to help those people get back to the top...and they charge them for that rescue, that situation is like letting oneself go from a health standpoint...completely abandoning all self restraint when it comes to eating, drinking and getting exercise.  Once you reach the bottom of that morass, you try to climb back up (to good health) but you need to pay to get that mule to help you back up to the top....I am at the bottom of that canyon...I sent for the mule, and made a few steps back toward the rim.

I was watching Letterman on Wednesday and he briefly mentioned that Obama had messed up the toast to the Queen of England.  Letterman's response was that it was no big deal, and that people should not take it so seriously....then showed a video of George Bush making a toast, but they superimposed a picture of a big hat over Bush's face, to play it for comedic relief...and no mention of odumbo dating his signature "2008" in the guest book...if the mainstream media's method of dealing with their messiah's screwups are to poke fun at the previous president, we are truly being misled...but should anyone be surprised that this colossal failure is being shielded by the media???

The emporer is wearing no clothes, folks....


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