Friday, May 20

Nice to have a day off to get some work done outside.  and for a change, it is not raining, so I should be able to make some progress...once I push myself away from the keyboard.  It is amazing how sitting at the computer has become an integral part of the day.  Even on days off, checking work email, checking the gossip sites, the local paper, etc.  It wasn't that long ago that all our news was about 24 hrs old, and came via the newspaper.  How times have changed.  and not necessarily for the better.
I see the price of a barrel of oil is down further...but no change at the pump.  and the experts saying that gas may be below $4 a gallon by memorial day...let's see - the price per barrel has been down 20% for over 2 weeks, and it will be another week until the price of gas drops to what it should be based on recent history.  What a crock of bs.
I see that Sarah Palin says she has the fire in her belly to run for president....I guess she did not have the fire in her belly to continue her job as governor of Alaska, so she quit.  and the press continues to give this turd the time of day.  stay in Alaska and shut up, you moron.  no one will vote for you.
here's an interesting link to a story that says the feds are beginning to look deeper into the banks and their role in the market meltdown...a bit too late to save any of our 401k.

and so, now to spread some mulch.  and, of course, I will be sitting at the keyboard later...on a nice sunny spring day...


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