Wednesday, March 9

Cold, dark, very rainy.  This weather, though not as bad as winter, is still worthless.  Can't do anything outside, and we will have weeks of it until the nice spring weather gets here.  At least we are on the right track. 
Luckily, Gov. Quinn signed a bill ending the death penalty in Illinois....what's that you say??? no one really cares???  well, while the idiot was wasting time on this trivial issue, he didn't have to deal with the budget issue that really should be front and center.  Very reminicent of Gov. Ryan - while the sharks were circling him on the pay for licences issue, he sends all the death row inmates home.  As if such a gesture would erase what a scumbag he is.  Quinn is no different, although he really looks like a deer in the headlights.  He is not quailfied to run a Dairy Queen, let alone an entire state.
and this is the executive officer of Illinois...the most poorly run state in the country.
and we elected these morons.  nice job.


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