Tuesday, March 15

Just got back from playing basketball.  Still frustrating - we had 10 guys playing, and I would say (with certainty) that I was the 10th best player on the court.  But to be able to go and run feels good.  I always consider it a good night when I walk off the court uninjured.  At 52 yrs old, I really can't do much or at a speed that I would get injured.  and tomorrow I will be sore - a reminder that I did something the day before.  so, that will be a good thing.
The news from Japan goes from bad to worse.  funny how there was no concern about our reactors here, but now that the 4 plants in Japan are melting down, there is much written that our design is the same as those in Japan.....so, there will be some new tax imposed on us now to upgrade, inspect, certify....and nothing will change. 
The price of crude oil has gone down again today...but the price of gas has not.  It is considerate that the oil companies do not want to inconvenience us by having us get used to lower prices, so they leave them artificially high...nice of them.
so, as I sit here watching the news, I suppose I have to muster the strength to get up out of my rocking chair and call it a night...or maybe limp to the fridge for a beer first.  or maybe just sit here for awhile longer...yea - that sounds good.


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