Friday, March 11

Finally Friday.  The days are getting longer now, and with the time change on Saturday, it will be light until 7 pm or so.  A long way from those desolate, dark days of mid-winter.  Hopefully the warm weather will get here soon.
I noticed that gas prices haven't changed, or haven't gone up any more, although they are still very high.  Which is curious since the price of oil has gone down 4 straight days.  The oil companies waste no time jacking up the price of gas the second the price of a barrel of oil goes up, but let it drop 4 days in a row, and the price at the pump remains at the high point. and oil companies continue to report record earnings each quarter. 
The union issues in Wisconsin stay in the media.  From a non-union member standpoint, it seems that unions are demanding the same unrealistic, unaffordable benefits that has led states to the point of bankruptcy.  Not a matter of union busting - a matter of unsustainable costs that unions have agreed to with the governments and now the state budget can not sustain. as with any cost, it has to be reduced. 
but, my opinion is that of someone that is not part of an entitlement program, but rather from the standpoint of someone expected to pay for others entitlements.


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