Wednesday, Feb. 23

A week from today will be March 2...Feb does fly by. 
there was a story in the Daily Herald today that a cook county commissioner wanted the 40% pay raise given to Preckwinkle's friend be rescinded.  the justification given for this raise was that she was performing extra duties because several positions had been eliminated.  so, as she cuts positions, can those who are not cut expect 40% raises?  Now look at the corporate world - as jobs are cut, those not cut are expected to do their work, plus the work of those laid off.  With no raise.  and with no ridiculous pension...but in the govt sector, such graft is to be expected, and rewarded. 
new administration, same crooks.  I like the quote yesterday the the governor of Wisconsin: "according to the unions, there are 2 groups: those pulling in ridiculous pensions and benefits and those who are paying for them". 
but, it looks like the tolerance of those of us who have been fleeced into paying for these hogs is wearing thin.  there ain't no more feed for the hogs. 


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