Wednesday, Feb. 16

I'll admit it - I have some Christmas decorations that are still outside the house.  I had 2 woven-reed figurines in front of the house, and couldn't bring myself to throw them out (they have seen better days).  So I left them where they had resided since early December - and was going to take them to the curb (really I was) once I had grieved for them properly.  then the blizzard hit 2 weeks ago.  Now that the snow is melting, I can see the tops of the 2 figures - kind of sad.  I guess once they are exposed enough to pull out of the snow, and I unceremoniously leave them at the curb to be tossed in the garbage truck with all the other trash, I can close the book on what was a very nice holiday season.  Since that will have been about 2 months post Christmas, I suppose that is about time I did so.  soon my plants will be delivered, and I can look forward to planting something where the figurines used to be.

A new season of Survivor starts tonight - I naively keep expecting each new season to capture that spark that made the show so unique in the early days, but that concept is pretty long in the tooth. 

so, have a good Wednesday.


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