Tuesday, Feb. 8

Supposed to get much colder.  this winter is really getting old.
the super bowl fallout continues - Christina Aguilliara's career will forever be defined by flubbing a line from the Star Spangled Banner.  You would think she would be better prepared for the big stage, but everyone makes a mistake...
the todo about the Groupon ad for the Tibetan restaurant is a real joke.  Are we now supposed to have China review all our media to make sure they are not offended by something?  They will own this country soon enough, but until we pass title to them they should just learn to take a joke. 
getting back to business as usual at work.  the storm of last week exposed some areas that we need to fortify, and that is what I have begun to do.  Of course, it costs money to prepare for an event that may never happen again, so we shall see where this all goes.  should be an interesting project nonetheless.

stay warm. 


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