Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011

A gray day, but the temp is in the upper 50s.  The snow that fell 2 weeks ago is melting, and those ugly piles of black ice are everywhere.  I naively hope this is the end of winter, but we will certainly get dumped on a time or two before we can call it spring. 
I threw out the 2 Christmas figurines that were front of the house.  I am a pack rat, and it pains me to toss anything that is remotely usable.  but, out with the old.  I'll have to get something new next year.
I continue to be fascinated by the stories about the state budget process.  Yesterdays cuts were to health care for the elderly and for school district funding for bus operations.  and the state will borrow billions more....what's that you ask?  has the pension issue even come onto the radar for discussion???  no.  I would liken this to a household being badly in debt, and attacking the problem by cutting the expenditures on items like toothpicks and paper towels, while a corvette with astronomical payments and insurance costs sits in the garage.  I hope more people agree with me, and at least bring this issue to the table for discussion.

fat chance - I suppose I should get used to idiocy like this.  just sit back and take it.


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