Sunday, Feb. 20

What happened to Saturday?  the usual stops - Wal Mart, then 2 different grocery stores to buy whatever is on sale, then the gas station to put 40 bucks in the tank, which is about 3/4 of a tank.  So, every Saturday, I spend about $150 to $200 on the things that you need for the week.  Trying to save a few buck so I can pay the property tax bill - the one that came 6 weeks after the previous one.  Trying to save a few bucks since our Illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) income tax has been increased by 66%.  Trying to save a few bucks since my share of the Illinois pension mess is $3500.  Trying to save a few bucks since I owe the IRS over $1000, since apparently I did not get bled dry enough by them in 2010.  I would imagine I am not alone. Unless you are rich, or have one of those lucrative pensions, you are probably buying the wal mart brand soda instead of coke.  you are buying chicken instead of steak, or frozen pizza instead of ordering for delivery. 
what a mess.  the only encouraging thing is that the house of cards our inept politicians have built has begun to tumble.  it will be interesting to see how it unfolds from here.   the scenario going on in Wisconsin will be replicated many times over throughtout the country. Maybe Michelle Obama, who is taking yet another vacation, this time to Vail, CO, will read of it there, or on Air Force 1, which has an operating cost of over $12,000 per hour.  There is nothing too good, or too extravagant for our elite class. We in the middle class can be counted on to foot the bill.  So,to all you hogs,  have another lobster tail - don't stop at only 2.


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